
Gunning Family..
So far I have tracked the Gunning’s back to James Gunning born around 1777 in London. It is rumored that we originate from ireland, but as yet I have found nothing to support that, although Gunning is an Irish name. Click on the links above to learn more about the individual family members.
The Gunning families lived mainly around Bermondsey, living in tough conditions, where child mortality was high. In 1891 the population was 136,660. Open sewers and poor quality housing were common. There were know examples of 9 people living in one room and one tap serving 25 houses with no sanitation. Charles Booth's 1889 Map Descriptive of London Poverty also includes Bermondsey. One of the main industries in the area at the time was the food business. With goods arriving at the local docks, three quarters of the butter, cheese, bacon and canned meats needed in London landed in Bermondsey. The are became know as “London’s Larder”. The first tinned food in Britain was canned in Bermondsey. The docks provided work but it was casual and badly paid leading to local poverty. it was not until the 1930’s when the worst slums were demolished and better houses built. During the second world war Bermondsey was one of the most heavily bombed parts of London, with 709 civilians killed and thousands hurt. Find out more here.

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